We didn’t have a press release for the film, so we made up our own poster. To be a security guard is one of the most underappreciated and overlooked jobs in the country. Often made to work long hours for insultingly low pay (on average around 15,000 pesos a month,
FPR » Present Confusion
Tag: Present Confusion
‘Echoserang Frog’ the video essay is my favorite Present Confusion entry
In our last tribute to Present Confusion’s 15th year, Princess Kinoc writes about John Tawasil’s video essay on Joven Tan’s hidden masterpiece on metacinema. In John Tawasil’s video essay of Joven Tan’s Echoserang Frog, he removes the elusive filmmaker from the guise of how bad his films are made, and
The Best of Present Confusion
Our first ever “Review of a Review” focuses the best parts of one of the longest Filipino film blogs, ever. Tuesday, April 5, 2005. At a time when a blog meant that one must own an online journal where thoughts flourished more than a cream-themed IG. If one must own