JOKER is now the highest grossing R-Rated film of all time

JOKER is now the highest grossing R-Rated film of all time

You read the title right. As of October 29, Joker becomes the biggest October opener of all time in the US and worldwide, including the Philippines whose cumulative gross as of Oct. 26 is a whopping Php256 million, and still rising.  “Joker” has also surpassed “Shazam!” as Warner Bros. Philippines’ top-grossing release of 2019.

Since it’s opening earlier this month, Warner Bros. Pictures, Village Roadshow Pictures and BRON Creative’s “Joker” has been a powerhouse across the globe, passing the milestone $800 million mark, making it the highest grossing R-rated film of all time worldwide at $804.4 million and counting.  The announcement was made Oct. 26 by Toby Emmerich, Chairman, Warner Bros. Pictures Group.

In the US, the film has grossed $264.1 million in just three weeks and can boast numerous October records, including largest pre-show, and largest Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  It also earned the largest all-time opening for a drama, an R-rated DC film, a Todd Phillips film, a Joaquin Phoenix film, a Robert De Niro film, and a Village Roadshow film.

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Internationally, “Joker” has garnered a total of $540.3 million and holds records for the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time (including the Philippines), the highest-grossing Warner Bros. film of all time in 14 markets, including Argentina and Mexico, and the highest-grossing DC film in 30 markets, including Italy, Spain, Russia, Argentina and Mexico.

This film reportedly almost didn’t make it, but it was “Todd Phillips’s bold, creative vision is evident in every frame of ‘Joker,’ matched only by Joaquin Phoenix’s incomparable interpretation of this iconic character.  What they and everyone who worked on this film created has clearly resonated with audiences worldwide.  We congratulate them and our colleagues at DC on reaching this extraordinary benchmark, and I personally want to congratulate the entire Warner Bros. team on the roll-out of this film.”, noted Emmerich.

Watch the chilling trailer below and catch in cinemas while you still can. Congrats Arthur Fleck! We hope you’re happy now:

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