Geekly Bits of the Week: LEGO set reveals ‘Civil War’ spoiler, new ‘Batman v Superman’ clip released

Geekly Bits of the Week: LEGO set reveals ‘Civil War’ spoiler, new ‘Batman v Superman’ clip released

Every week we catch you up on the latest goings-on on everything geek. Here are the past week’s highlights.

Power Rangers

Geekly Bits: LEGO set reveals 'Civil War' spoiler & more

Lionsgate has released the official synopsis of, as well as the people responsible for producing, the new Power Rangers movie. As per the studio:

Saban’s Power Rangers follows five ordinary high school kids who must become something extraordinary when they learn that their small town of Angel Grove – and the world – is on the verge of being obliterated by an alien threat. Chosen by destiny, our heroes quickly discover that they are the only ones who can save the planet. But to do so they will have to overcome their real-life issues and band together as the Power Rangers before it is too late.

So yeah, that’s basically the plot of every iteration of Power Rangers ever. The movie will be directed by Dean Israelite and will be written by a bunch of writers (which is never a good sign), including John Gatins, Burk Sharpless, Matt Sazama, Zack Stentz, Ashley Miller, and Max Landis. They’ve got more writers than rangers!

Star Wars Episode VIII

Geekly Bits: LEGO set reveals 'Civil War' spoiler & more

During an interview at The Oscars, Daisy Ridley has confirmed that Episode VIII will take place immediately after the events of The Force Awakens:

Me and Mark have been rehearsing a lot, and it’s really amazing. When we went back to Skellig to do the opening of [Episode] VIII, it was so crazy doing the same scene [as the end of Episode VII] with a different crew of people. He’s amazing to rehearse with, and I’m very excited to be doing the rest of the stuff. It’s such a good story. Seriously. Luke is so cool in this one. Really.

I would have said SPOILER ALERT!, but if you haven’t seen Star Wars yet, that’s already your fault.


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With the ongoing (and quite unexpected) success of Deadpool at the box office, Fox has announced a slew of changes in their movie calendar. Gambit (starring Channing Tatum), which was originally set for an October 7, 2016 release, is now “unset” (i.e., postponed indefinitely). The still untitled Wolverine sequel remains on its March 3, 2017 date. And two release dates have been saved for untitled Fox-Marvel movies: October 6, 2017 and January 12, 2018. The latter is most likely intended for  the Deadpool sequel, whereas the former could be the new date for Gambit, an X-Men spin-off, or – heaven forbid– another Fantastic Four reboot.

Fox has also moved Ridley Scott’s Alien: Covenant two months earlier to August 4, 2017 instead of October 6.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

A new clip was shown during the annual post-Oscars special of Jimmy Kimmel Live. The clip highlights a rooftop fight scene wherein Superman orders Batman to “stay down” because if he wanted it, Batman “would be dead already”. Huh, like Batman’s gonna be told to stay down. Take a look:


Captain America: Civil War

***The following is a potential spoiler. You have been warned.***

A new LEGO set that is now available on the LEGO Shop online reveals a giant (wink!) spoiler for Civil War. Called “Super Hero Airport Battle”, the box design highlights the appearance of Scott Lang as Giant-Man (i.e., Giant Ant-Man). Check it out:

Geekly Bits: LEGO set reveals 'Civil War' spoiler & more

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