Teaser for Roddy Piper’s final film ‘Portal to Hell!!!’

Roddy Piper’s recent passing breathes the upcoming feature-length version of Portal to Hell!!! a bittersweet air. The 11-minute short is the wrestling icon’s final film, financed via the Harold Greenberg Fund’s Shorts to Features program. However the full-length feature comes out, it will, sadly, have one less HotRod. The short finds The Great Old One

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Teaser trailer for Netflix’s first original film ‘Beasts of No Nation’

Netflix’s announcement of branching into original movies to be released simultaneously in theaters and through online streaming was groundbreaking albeit controversial. Four of the largest theaters in the US – AMC, Regal, Carmike, and Cinemark – announced that they will boycott all films that will receive from the same treatment from

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